Hot, hot, hot in this neck of the woods. I'm parked in front of the fan today with my laptop doing some MDS creating. January usually means a sudden urge to scrapbook for me. What about you?
I have decided to have a go at a digital scrapbook this year to record a few 2014 family snippets - project life style. I'm using MDS and will get it printed into a book at the end of the year. Here's my start.
I've popped the black border on so it doesn't blend into the blog background but the actual page has just a large white border to the edge of the page. Want to keep it pretty clean and simple.
To begin I just selected Photobooks, 12 x 12, then the Photo Only option. I selected the rounded corner option and just picked the one page I was after, and removed the rest. I'm saving each page as a separate JPEG file and can just sit down at the end of the year and drop them all into a photobook. In previous years I've printed individual photos and slipped them into pocket page style plastics with some journalling cards - but they take up so much space. Trying digital this year and we'll see how we go. Which reminds me - good time for a mental health announcement .....
I've made use of the blur button on my photo software to blur a few faces of family and friends and some details ready for blog sharing. So don't adjust your glasses - ha ha.
I really liked some of the elements in the Love This MDS Class Kit so I bought that one. The video class was terrific. I picked up a few new tips on working with MDS while I was watching it, and now I have all the stamps and elements to use in my projects.
Here's some of the things in the Love This MDS Class Kit.
Like it? You can get the Love This Kit here: MDS Class Love This
I hope to be back over the year with some more layouts from my "Our 2014 Life" album. I do often have a tendency to fizz out during the year so lots of my scrapbooks have January, February, March, August, December - ha ha. Can you relate? But I'm not too fussed. Whatever I get done is a little snippet that would otherwise have been relegated to my very unreliable memory. I'm happy with whatever I get done. What's that quote? Don't let the perfect get in the way of the pretty good. Something like that.
Happy scrapbooking if you're a picture and story recorder and hope you are staying cool if you're in the heatwave areas of the country.
Cheers, Sue
PS. New catalogue time and Saleabration 2014 is JUST around the corner. I've got free copies here to post. Give me a holler if you'd like one in your mail box. Lots of snazzy things.
One more PS. I'm having a bit of technical difficulties with my voicemail messages and have somehow managed to delete at least 3 in the last month without hearing them. If that's you - shoot me through a text, it seems I'm voicemail challenged! :-)